Support the strike at the WNO

Demand a full time chorus, a full time wage and no compulsory redundancies

Full time wage, full time chorus, no compulsory redundancies 

Singers and Equity members in the Welsh National Opera (WNO) chorus are facing devastating cuts to their jobs and pay.

Show your support now by writing to the chair of WNO Board and asking them to intervene with management to rethink their unjust proposals. 

Signing the open letter takes less than a minute and can be done here

Sign our open letter

We demand: 

  • A full time Chorus
  • A full time wage
  • No compulsory redundancies

We reject a proposal that would result in:

  • At least a 15% cut to chorus members’ pay
  • A reduction in contracted hours despite the high workload of performances and rehearsal
  • A cut to the overall number of chorus members with real threat of compulsory redundancies  

Save jobs, livelihoods and a treasured part of Welsh culture. 

Sign our open letter

"I am a mother of three living a very basic lifestyle, these cuts will put me just above minimum wage and this is unsustainable for me and my children. With few opportunities here in Wales to transfer my skill set it could force me out of my home and possibly out of the sector."
