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Equity calls strike action at Welsh National Opera

Equity has called strike action at Welsh National Opera which will hit the opening night of Rigoletto on Saturday 21 September 2024.

We have called strike action at Welsh National Opera which will hit the opening night of Rigoletto on Saturday 21 September 2024. Further strike dates will hit Il Trittico on 29 September and Opera Favourites at the Movies on 11 October. Action short of strike has also been called continuously from 21 September to 6 December. 

The announcement of strike action follows a 93% yes vote in a ballot of chorus members received yesterday (Thursday 5 September). All of the 30-strong WNO chorus singers are Equity members and 100% took part in the ballot. 

WNO management have proposed to cut the size and hours of the chorus, with singers facing a 15% pay cut and the real threat of compulsory redundancies. In contrast, Equity is calling for full time wages, a full time chorus, and no compulsory redundancies.  

Paul W Fleming, Equity General Secretary, said: “Taking strike action is unprecedented among the Welsh National Opera chorus and it’s not a decision taken lightly. Singers are not prepared to be cast aside in management proposals which would catastrophically harm this Welsh cultural icon. 

“WNO needs to realise that the chorus is a key asset and come to the negotiating table so we can agree a way forwards that works for the WNO, the chorus and future productions.”  

Strike action has been called for: 

Saturday 21 September, impacting Rigoletto 

Sunday 29 September, impacting Il Trittico 

Friday 11 October, impacting Opera Favourites at the Movies 

Details of picket lines and campaign activity to follow. 

Action short of a strike will include protest about the matters which are the subject of the trade dispute during rehearsals, performances, intervals, curtain calls and pre-performance. Types of action or protest could include, but are not limited to, leafleting, speeches and the non-wearing of required costume/wigs/make-up or concert dress at performances to be replaced by protest t-shirts.  

Equity members are considering further industrial action dates if progress is not made in talks. 

Equity yn galw am streic yn Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru 

Mae undeb y perfformwyr Equity wedi galw am streic yn Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru ar noson agoriadol Rigoletto, nos Sadwrn 21 Medi 2024. 

Daw’r cyhoeddiad am y streicio yn dilyn pleidlais gyda 93% o aelodau’r corws yn dweud ‘ie’ mewn balot a dderbyniwyd ddoe (dydd Iau 5 Medi). Mae pob un o’r 30 o gantorion corws OCC yn aelodau o Equity a chymerodd 100% ran yn y balot. 

Mae rheolwyr OCC wedi cynnig cwtogi maint ac oriau’r corws, gyda chantorion yn wynebu toriad cyflog o 15% a’r bygythiad gwirioneddol o ddiswyddiadau gorfodol. Mewn cyferbyniad, mae Equity yn galw am gyflog llawn amser, corws llawn amser, a dim diswyddiadau gorfodol. 

Meddai Paul W Fleming, Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Equity: “Mae streic yn ddigynsail ymhlith corws Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru ac nid yw’n benderfyniad a gymerir yn ysgafn. Nid yw cantorion yn barod i gael eu taflu o'r neilltu mewn cynigion rheoli a fyddai'n niweidio enw da yr eicon diwylliannol Cymreig hwn mewn ffordd trychinebus.  

“Mae angen i OCC sylweddoli bod y corws yn ran allweddol o’r cwmni, a bod yn barod i drafod fel y gallwn ddod o hyd i ffordd ymlaen sy’n gweithio i OCC, y corws a chynyrchiadau’r dyfodol.”  

Mae aelodau Equity yn ystyried dyddiadau gweithredu diwydiannol pellach os na fydd cynnydd yn cael ei wneud mewn trafodaethau. 

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