Our commitment to accessible communication


Equity is committed to providing accessible services. We recognise that our website is one of our main communication tools in connecting members and providing information about the union. We therefore want to ensure that everyone can use it. If you are looking for an audio version of the Equity magazine, email editorial@equity.org.uk 

Our Commitment

New media technologies are always developing and changing at a fast pace. However we are committed to the following broad principles when developing our website:

  • Equity websites should comply with accessibility standards in commissioning, editorial, design and coding. These standards include the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative.
  • Ensuring that it is designed for use with assistive technologies. Our online media will work well with technologies such as software page readers.


The accessibility guidelines Equity is committed to include:

  • Using an easy-to-read web font type.  
  • Ability for users to control text sizes via their browser.
  • Ensuring suitable foreground and background colour contrast on text
  • Using clear and simple grammar.
  • Providing a straightforward and consistent site navigation.
  • Ensuring the target of each link is clearly defined.
  • Using appropriate structural mark-up to maximise browser support.
  •  Ensuring all content and functionality is available to users without content style sheet (CSS), image and script support.

Need Further Assistance?

Although we are testing this site on an ongoing basis, it is your experience of using this website which ultimately counts. We are committed to trying our best to solve problems as we are made aware of them.

If there are things you find difficult on read on this website or if you have constructive feedback please don’t hesitate to contact us on website@equity.org.uk 

If you are looking for accessibility information for visitors to Guild House please go to our visit us page.