On this page
You can register to use the Members area by going to the login page and clicking the link ‘click here to register and set up your password’. You’ll need your membership number and the email address you used to sign up with Equity.
Your password must contain a capital letter, a number, and a minimum of 8 characters.
You can reset your password by going to the login page and clicking the link ‘Forgotten Password’. You’ll need to enter your membership number without the letter (e.g. 0012346, and not I00123456) and the email address that is associated to your record. You’ll then receive an email to reset your password. However, if you have not previously registered then you will not be able to reset your password.
The password must contain a capital letter, a number, and a minimum of 8 character.
If you have tried the above, checked your junk email and still haven’t received an email, then please send an email to membership@equity.org.uk including your membership number, Equity name and the first line of your address.
You can log in to Equity here or on the top right hand side of the homepage. Please make sure you have registered to use the Members area first.
You should receive an email with your online voting links during the voting period. For further information, please read more on How We're Run.
To see if you are eligible for membership check out our Who can join Equity? page
Nb. If you are looking to re-join having previously been a full Equity member, you do not need to provide evidence again.
Full membership
To join Equity as a full member, you need to demonstrate either that:
- You have earned £750 or more from professional work in the entertainment and performing arts industry. We can accept contracts, invoices, emails, letters, wage or payslip that confirms the following details:
The dates you worked
The type of work you did (i.e. dancer, stunt performer etc)
How much you were paid
You can provide proof of membership of an FIA-affiliated union.
- You have undertaken a job on an Equity contract.
Subsidised membership
Equity is simplifying and expanding entitlement to discounted rates of membership. Further, for the first time all full members, irrespective of their rate of subscription or membership category will be entitled to full union benefits at work, including industrial and legal support, and full insurances.
All members over 16 will also have full rights to vote in all union elections and participate in branches, irrespective of their membership subscription or category, presuming they meet all other criteria (although you will need to be 18 or older to stand for an elected position).
“Subsidised Membership” replaces and expands the categories of membership formerly known as Child, Graduate, Retired, and Long Service Membership. (If you are currently a Retired member, you will see no change in 2024 to your membership category.)
The 2024 Subsidised Membership rate is £84. A further £6 a year discount is available if you pay by Direct Debit.
- You are eligible for this membership if:
You earn £40,000 a year or less from the industry
Are aged 10-17 (inclusive) OR
Are aged over the age of 66 (regardless of length of service) OR
Have graduated from an NQF level 4 or above (or equivalent course) in an area covered by Equity in the last two years. This must be the first time you have applied for discounted membership of Equity for this reason.
To apply, you will need to provide:
Your date of birth OR
The details of your eligible course (a list of eligible courses is provided as part of the online joining process)
AND demonstrate:
Earnings of £750 or more from professional work in the entertainment and/or performing arts industries OR
Evidence that you have undertaken a job on an Equity contract for any amount of money OR
Membership of a union in another country which is affiliated to our international federation, FIA (a list can be found on the FIA website here).
If/when you cease to be eligible for Subsidised Membership, then you will be eligible for standard membership, at the rates set out here, or Education & Training membership if you qualify. You can change between memberships as often as you are eligible to do so.
Education & Training membership
Replaces Equity Student Membership from 1st February 2024 with significantly improved benefits and a 75% discount on the full membership subscription fee based on the lowest band of membership subscription.
The 2024 Education & Training rate is £42. A further £6 a year discount is available if you pay by Direct Debit.
This membership is for those who are:
Currently studying on a course of NQF level 4 or above (or equivalent) OR
Are currently on an Equity-approved workplace based training programme. You should ask your Equity Deputy or staff Official if you qualify. Staff contacts can be found on our website here
Education & Training members are full members of Equity with access to all democratic rights, union activities and benefits, including £10 million PLI insurance cover.
To join Equity’s Education & Training Membership, complete the online joining form, which will enable you to see if you qualify for this membership.
- If/when you cease to be eligible for Education & Training Membership, then you will be eligible for standard membership, at the rates set out here, or Subsidised Membership if you qualify. You can change between memberships as often as you are eligible to do so.
We aim to provisionally approve applications within 7 working days, however occasionally it may take slightly longer if we have a high volume, or if there is an issue with your application.
If you have received a provisional acceptance email by the Equity Membership Team, this mean you meet the eligibility criteria to join the union. You can now access the majority of the benefits, including support at work, your Equity name and Public Liability Insurance cover.
Please note, rights to participate in the union’s democracy, including voting, nominating or standing for election is only granted once your application’s approval by Council has been confirmed to you via email. The Council meet nine times a year.
All applications are formally approved by Equity’s Council. Our Council meets nine times a year and we will notify you by email once your application has been approved.
If you have received a provisional acceptance email from the Equity Membership Team, this means you have access the to the majority of membership benefits, excluding standing or voting on elections. Any participation in the union’s democratic structure is only permitted once your application has been approved by Equity’s Council. You will be informed of their approval via email. For a full list of Equity membership benefits, visit www.equity.org.uk/join-us/membership-benefits.
As written in section D of Equity’s Rulebook of the Union, the Council may provisionally reject an application if:
(1) the applicant does not meet the eligibility criteria;
(2) the applicant’s conduct (at any time) would justify disciplinary action under these Rules had they been a member at the time;
(3) the applicant is a member of a political party or organisation whose aims are contrary to the Union’s equality Aims at Rules B1(5) and B1(6); or
(4) the applicant has previously been expelled from the Union and the Council has not approved their readmission.
As written in section D of Equity’s Rulebook of the Union, if a membership application is provisionally rejected the union shall notify the applicant of the reason and the right to make representations to the Council. The Council shall consider the representations fairly and decide the application by a majority vote.
We we refer to 'Engagement Employer' in the application process we are referring to the company or individual that has hired/ will be hiring you for a role. Please note that what you enter in this field of your application should correlate to the evidence that you are supplying.
Unfortunately, retired membership is now closed and cannot be applied for.
You can apply for Honourable Withdrawal by calling 0207 670 0207.
You can click here to re-join Equity. You will need your previous membership number, as this will remain the same. Please choose “Re-join Equity after a break” from the drop-down menu.
If you were previously a full member, you do not need to provide evidence again. If you are upgrading your membership from a Education and training or subsided to full membership, you may need to provide evidence of work in the industry, despite having been a member before.
Annual subscription rates are based on an average of your gross earnings from the previous three tax years. Once you have logged in to the members area, you can check the subscription owed under the “membership” payment page.
Subsidised members are entitled to a 50% discount on the lowest priced band of annual membership subscription. This includes those who:
- Earn less than £40K a year AND
- Are aged 10-17 (inclusive) OR
- Are aged 66 or over (inclusive) OR
- Graduated from an eligible course in the last two years
- Education & Training Membership members currently undertaking eligible education or training receive a 75% discount on the lowest priced band of annual membership subscription.
All members, irrespective of their rate or category of membership are entitled to a £6 a year discount if they pay by Direct Debit. Monthly rates listed below include direct debit discount.
2025 subscription fees
Gross Annual Income |
Annual Subscription |
Monthly Cost |
Less than £40,000 |
£198 |
£16 |
Between £40,001–£80,000 |
£396 |
£32.50 |
Between £80,001–£120,000 |
£792 |
£65.50 |
Between £120,001–£240,000 |
£1584 |
£131.50 |
Over £240,001 |
£3840 |
£319.50 |
The quickest way to renew your Equity membership is online. Once logged in to the Members area, you should see a “membership” section, which will allow you to renew your membership. You can also give us a call on 0207 670 0207 if you are having difficulties renewing online.
Refunds are only issued in certain circumstances, at the discretion of Equity. If you would like to request a refund, please email the Membership Team at membership@equity.org.uk with a brief explanation for your request.
To update your direct debit details, please email the Membership Team at membership@equity.org.uk or call us on 0207 670 0207.
You’ll receive a receipt via email once you make a payment for renewal. You’ll also receive a paper copy of this receipt with your membership card in the post, please do not discard this. If you no longer have access to this and would like a payment history, please contact membership@equity.org.uk .
We advise that Equity subscriptions are tax deductible for self-employed members, but not available for tax relief for PAYE employees.
Equity’s memberships work on a continuous basis, so this means that it would still be active for a period of time even when a payment has not been made. Therefore when you do make a subscription payment, it is backdated from your previous expiry date, to pay for the service you have been receiving.
Equity’s Benevolent Fund is currently offering assistance with subscriptions to members in benefit. If you would like to be considered for a subscription grant of up to three months’ relief, please fill in the form on this page or email subshelp@equity.org.uk
Unfortunately, members can only pay for their fee one year at a time Equity set the fee on a yearly basis.
Membership Cards
You can order a replacement card by emailing membership@equity.org.uk - please ensure to include your membership number, Equity name and postal address.
If you have lost or had your membership card stolen, we would not charge you to replace it.
It takes approximately 10-15 working days to arrive in the post, along with your payment receipt. However, please allow a slightly longer period of time around December as Royal Mail receive a very high quantity of post at this time and it can cause delays.
The date on the membership card is a card expiry date rather than your membership expiry date.
Yes! the membership cards we use are degradable.
Membership Details
You can update your address under the “personal details” tab in the member’s area once you are logged in. Alternatively, you can send an email to membership@equity.org.uk if you are having issues accessing the member’s area.
You can update your contact details under the “personal details” tab in the member’s area once you are logged in. Alternatively, you can send an email to membership@equity.org.uk if you are having issues accessing the member’s area.
In our records it appears that the payments for your membership were in arrears by more than three months. If you believe this not to be correct, please email the Membership Team at membership@equity.org.uk and we will look into this. If your membership is terminated, it is possible to re-join using the same membership number and record, so you will not need to provide evidence again.
Your membership number can be found on your Equity card, or on any correspondence sent by Equity with reference to your renewal of membership. This could be a letter or an email. If you would like to be reminded of your membership number, please send us an email to membership@equity.org.uk
Agency details cannot currently be updated in the member’s area of the website. Please send an email to membership@equity.org.uk with the new agency details and we can update this for you.
Your Equity name must be changed by a member of staff, as we will need to complete a check to ensure there are no members registered with your chosen name already. Please email membership@equity.org.uk with your desired name and we can complete the check for you.
There is a fee to change your Equity name. This costs £38.00 for each time you change your name, with a reduced fee of £9.50 for Education and training members.
It is possible for two or more artists to use the same performing name as there is no law in the UK that prevents this (with the exception of passing off laws which specifically cover one person using the reputation of another for commercial gain).
This information is currently not available in the member’s area. Please send an email to membership@equity.org.uk and one of our members of staff can check this for you.
Whilst we can remove you from our mailing lists, Equity is required to send you some communication, such as the ballot papers during the committee election period in order for you to be able to vote. You are receiving this Governance communication because you are a member of Equity. You cannot unsubscribe from Governance communications because they are pertinent to your membership and we are required under our rules to send you certain communications, but we endeavour to keep mailings of this type to a minimum.
The Equity diaries are sent out with the Autumn/Winter magazine from November.
The Equity diary costs £4.50 and is only available to members. If you would like to purchase one, you can email the Membership Team at membership@equity.org.uk or call us on 0207 670 0207.
The magazine is produced twice a year, these are sent out in Spring and Winter.
- You can access previous editions of the Magazine online here.
The packaging that the magazine is wrapped in is recyclable / biodegradable.
Unfortunately, as we only have the resources to produce two magazines a year, space is limited, and therefore used to update members on Equity’s campaigns and policy work. This was ordained by our members in the Communications Audit of 2020. `
Yes it is possible to vote via paper or online. You should receive a paper ballot form during the voting period.
Equity Pension Scheme (EPS)
Enrolment to the Equity Pension Scheme is not automatic. To join the scheme, please contact First Act on 0208 686 5050. Find out more here
Once you’ve signed up to the EPS, you should receive a pension number. The membership team does not have access to this, and you will need to contact First Act on 0208 686 5050 if you would like to be reminded of your pension number.
Insurance Cover
There are three insurances included in your membership:
- Public Liability insurance providing up to £10 million of legal liability claims.
- Personal Accident insurance providing cover for accidents not only in the workplace but also whilst commuting, auditioning, practicing, rehearsing and training.
- Backstage personal property insurance providing cover not just at work but in all professional activity relating to performing work.
You can download or print your Public Liability document from the member’s area of our website. Please note that the Membership Team does not have access to download this.
To make a claim contact Aviva, our insurance provider, directly at the details linked to below. You have 60 days to make a claim for personal accident or backstage property.
To cancel you membership please email the Membership Team at membership@equity.org.uk , ensuring to include your Equity name, membership number and a brief explanation as to why you would like to cancel your membership. If you pay your membership via direct debit, please remember to cancel the mandate with the bank as well.
To ensure we cancel your membership before it renews, please provide us with notice of at least five working days.
In the circumstances that you need to inform us of a members passing, you can either email the Membership team at membership@equity.org.uk or call us on 0207 670 0207