Political news

‘Sick note’ and Personal Independence Payment consultations: we want your views

The Government have opened their consultations into the issuing of Medical 3 certificates (‘sick notes’ or ‘fit notes’) and Personal Independence Payment  – a non-means tested form of social security paid to disabled people. Equity will be providing responses to these consultations and we want your views. 

We believe these consultations are not justified - see The truth behind UK Government’s attack on ‘sick note culture’ and Report on the UK's treatment of disabled people. Furthermore, the opening of consultations of this kind may be in breach of pre-election rules. Therefore we have made a complaint to the Cabinet Secretary alongside others. 

The Government are proposing to change the eligibility criteria for PIP, remove the assessment process for specific health conditions or disabilities, and remove cash support with one-off grants or vouchers.   Equity does not support any of these proposals.  

Share your views 

Equity will be providing responses to these consultations and we want to include your views. Email us your views on either or both: 

‘Fit Note Reform: call for evidence’ – closes Saturday 8 July 2024.   If you would like to respond via Equity, please send us your comments by 5pm on Monday 3 June 2024 to sicknoteconsult@equity.org.uk  

The Health and Disability Green Paper PIP consultation – closes Tuesday 23 July 2024. If you would like to respond via Equity, please send us your comments by 5pm on Thursday 11 July  2024 to pipconsult@equity.org.uk 

If you need advice on your social security rights, contact Equity’s Social Security and Tax Advice service. Check out our online advice resources. You can call the Social Security and Tax Advice helpline on 0207 670 0223 (Monday and Thursday 10am-1pm and 2-5pm) or email helpline@equity.org.uk.  

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