Political news

Equity rally prompts talks with Scottish Culture Minister

Over 300 people attend vibrant rally outside First Ministers’ Questions prompting talks with Scottish Culture Minister.

Equity demonstrators outside the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 5 September 2024.

Over three hundred people attended a vibrant rally to “Stop the Cuts” to arts funding threatened by the Scottish Government yesterday (Thursday 5 September), causing Culture Minister Angus Robertson to agree to an impromptu meeting with union representatives inside Parliament as the demonstrations were ongoing. 

Marlene Curran, Equity Scotland Official; Adam Adnyana, Equity Assistant General Secretary; Roz Foyer, STUC General Secretary; Peter Arnott, Scottish Society of Playwrights; and Jo Cameron-Brown, Equity’s Scotland Councillor; held impromptu talks with Angus Robertson inside the parliament building on Horse Wynd. 

They sought commitments from the Minister on future arts funding, in the aftermath of the Open Fund u-turn. In particular seeking assurances that the outstanding money promised for the 2024-25 regular culture funding would materialise. 

The Minister reaffirmed the Scottish Government’s commitment to increasing culture funding to £100 million over the next five years. 

Commenting Marlene Curran, Equity Scotland Official, said: “Today’s rally left no doubt in politicians’ minds about the importance of the arts to Scottish people. It was a great result to secure an immediate meeting with the Culture Minister and to press the Scottish Government on sustainable ongoing funding for the arts in Scotland which play such an important role in our economy, culture and lives.” 

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