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Equity launches Liturgical Singers Network following Open Meeting

Equity launch network for singers who work in Churches, Synagogues and Choirs.

Equity held an open meeting for singers who work professionally in Churches, Synagogues and Choirs on Sunday 22nd September.  

The meeting followed an Equity survey of almost 150 singers earlier in 2024. Issues identified by the survey included pay stagnation, late payment and a lack of transparency over terms and conditions including the recording and streaming of services. Members also shared examples of best practice.   

Over 50 members joined the hybrid Zoom and in person meeting to develop an action plan for improving standards. Next steps will include the formation of an Equity Liturgical Singers Network, working with members to draft a Liturgical Singers Charter and negotiating with engagers to make meaningful changes.  

Oscar Simms, Equity Young Members Committee and member of Equity’s Liturgical Singers Working Group, said: “This is a really exciting time to be an Equity member in liturgical music. Singers are clear about the issues being faced and passionate about the need for positive change. It’s great to see us coming together to make things happen.” 

Lottie Stables, Industrial Official for Singers, said: “Professional singers have a right to fair terms, and workplace dignity and respect. Equity's liturgical singers survey showed that all too often these standards are not being met. Sunday’s meeting demonstrated that members are ready to work collectively to change this and make improvements to their working lives.”  

If you are a singer undertaking work in this area and want to join Equity’s Liturgical Singers Network please email to sign up.  

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