Political news

Equity General Secretary responds to Labour Manifesto

Paul W Fleming, Equity’s General Secretary, comments on the Labour Manifesto launched on 13 June, saying “Any focus on wealth creation should look to the creative industries."

Equity General Secretary Paul W Fleming

Equity's General Secretary Paul W Fleming has commented on the Labour Manifesto, which was launched on 13 June, by saying:

“Any focus on wealth creation should look to the creative industries. A decade of national renewal should have a plan to meet Equity’s demand of 0.5% of GDP spent on our industries - the European average. No new money for the arts is short sighted, and we will be making the case to all parties for increased funding which puts the workforce first.

“Labour’s plan to make work pay is a broad-brush starting point, with welcome improvements to trade union freedoms proposed. Equity will be looking to a new deal for working people to defend and extend royalties for our members, end up front fees for casting directories, and use public procurement to secure union agreements in video games.

“Welfare reform and scrapping the minimum income floor is an urgent demand for Equity’s freelance members, alongside the welcome plans to enhance their rights at work.”

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