General News

Equity Council – Officers elected

Equity announce the election of Vice Presidents and Honorary Treasurer.

Jackie Clune and Nick Fletcher have been re-elected as Vice-Presidents and David John has been re-elected as Honorary Treasurer at an Equity Council meeting this week (9 July).

Equity has five officers — the President, the General Secretary, two Vice-Presidents and the Honorary Treasurer. Jackie, Nick and David join Lynda Rooke (President) and Paul W Fleming (General Secretary).

The Vice-Presidents and Honorary Treasurer are elected by the Council at the beginning of its term. Following their re-election Jackie, Nick and David will serve further two-year terms.

The role of the Vice-Presidents is to chair Council meetings and union conferences in the Presidents absence, to represent the union and carry out other duties as decided by the Council.

The duties of the Honorary Treasurer are to present the annual statement of accounts to Equity Conference, to have the right to inspect the union’s financial records to ensure compliance with our Rule Book, to examine the annual accounts and endorse them for Council’s approval and to present a draft annual budget for the Council’s approval.

Information about our current Council members can be found here

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