Legal news

Equity welcomes overturn of convictions of Shrewsbury 24

The Court of Appeal has overturned the convictions of 14 men sentenced for their involvement in pickets in 1972.

Today, in response, Equity General Secretary Paul W Fleming issued the following statement:

"Equity has backed the fight for justice for the Shrewsbury strikers since the start — because it affects us all. Today's superb decision marks the end of one battle — but not the war against the covert suppression of trades unionists and activists across civil society. Our whole movement will be galvanised today to step up our campaigning against SpyCops, proposed changes to restrict public protest and antiquated repressive anti-trade union legislation.

"We send our congratulations and solidarity to all those who’ve fought so hard and so long for this outcome — especially our member Ricky Tomlinson."

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