Equity has over 2,500 members who work in circus in one form or another. This could be in the traditional touring tented circus, contemporary circus, cabaret, outdoor and street as well as teaching circus skills to adults or children.
Equity Circus Network meeting
Equity Circus Network meeting
Equity Circus Network
The network are currently prioritising the following work:
1. Completion of a ‘fit to fly’ advice document to assist performers who were going to be working in non-standard circus venues such as nightclubs, restaurants, private residences and outdoor festivals. A working party was set up to finalise this document and it should be ready in summer 2024.
2. Development of a template circus contract to use for festivals and cabaret. This template has been completed and can be downloaded here.
3. Provision of advice for performers and companies on sexual harassment. This is now available here.
The Network was relaunched in February 2023 having previously been established in 2018. Much work had been undertaken following the initial establishment of the Network and it had been coming together before the pandemic stifled further progress.
Future Plans
The next steps for the Network are to complete further resources for performers including:-
a) Advice on risk assessments and method statements
b) A summary and advice on insurance
c) Video resources on health and safety and other topic.
Next Network Meeting: September 2024 date TBA.