
Oxford & Buckinghamshire Branch

Welcome to Oxford and Buckinghamshire  branch

We are a branch of about 800 members, spread over the counties of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire

We plan to meet every 6 weeks or so and try to move the meetings around the area so all members get an opportunity to come to a branch meeting in person, or join in online, since all meetings are held as both in person and virtual events, this means you can attend either in person or virtually on Zoom. In addition, we will host a number of informal "coffee morning" meetings when we shall be pleased to meet members and those who would like to know more about Equity.

Forthcoming dates are:


Our next branch meeting will be in April, date and venue to be finalised, and nearer the time we will email members with details and links to the Zoom meeting should members which to join online.

Dates for other meetings are:

 April 15th, starting at 4 pm - venue to be agreed

Tuesday 3rd June, starting at 4 pm

Tuesday 5th August, starting at 7 pm

Monday 8th December, starting at 7 pm

We will hold these meetings at various venues in order that as many members as possible can come to meet us in person. We will let you know as soon as we can where these meetings will be.

Coffee morning meet and greet

These are informal meetings for members and anyone wishing to find out more about Equity. We invite you to come along to a coffee morning and say Hello!

Dates for coffee mornings

Dates for 2025 coffee mornings are:

Friday 14th March from 10 am till 1 pm in the Oxford Playhouse

Thursday 22nd May - venue to be arranged

Wednesday 16th July - venue to be arranged

Tuesday 16th September - venue to be arranged

Monday 17th November - venue to be arranged


Our next Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday October 2nd, and we will let you know in due course where that meeting will be. As part of that meeting, we will need to elect, or re-elect, members to serve on the Branch Committee. If you are interested in finding our more, just email us and we will send you details.

Email the branch

Campaigns you can help with

Our committee members


Allan Webb
Allan Webb

Secretary & Treasurer

John Casey
John Casey

Campaigns & Variety Officer

John Casey
John Casey

Newsletter Editor

John Casey
John Casey

Co-opted committee Members

Chrissy Caine
Chrissy Caine
Todd Kramer
Todd Kramer

