We represent women in Equity.
The Women's Committee advises the Council and takes approved action on any equal opportunities matters and discrimination on the grounds of gender relevant to the professional employment of Equity members.
The Women’s Committee is an intersectional feminist space, committed to being a safe and inclusive place for all women.
Our priorities
Actioning the WC motion approved at Equity Conference 2022 - regarding notification of offenders on set. Motion below:
Our women members tell us that — with worrying frequency —they arrive at an engagement to find themselves working with someone who has abused or harassed them in the past. The failure of many companies to make full cast and crew lists available prior to the first day of work means that members are unable to make critical decisions about the security of their own mental and physical health. It is a failure in safeguarding on the part of employers which makes all members — particularly our women and intersectional members — vulnerable. Members identify two basic needs: (1) to know who is going to be in the room
Women’s Committee Roadshow - continuing to promote the Toolkit and also the Menopause resource for employers and reaching out to women members across the UK via roadshows.
Look at developing potential Access riders regarding the needs of freelance workers.
Age discrimination – make links with writers and arts organisations to source research on employment of women over 50 and work with officials in Equity to protect against age discrimination in collective agreements.
Equity4Women Toolkit
Resources for women in the creative and entertainment industries.
Who we are