Campaigning for International Solidarity in Equity

International Solidarity Committee

Abdelfattah Abusrour addresses the International Reception at Equity's 2024 conference

The International Solidarity Committee (formerly the International Committee for Artists’ Freedom) advocates for artists based outside of the UK suffering oppression, persecution or hardship in the pursuit of their profession, including through the provision of small grants.  

Equity founded an ‘International Solidarity and Aid Committee’ over 50 years ago. Over that time, the Committee has helped countless individual artists suffering oppression, persecution or hardship around the world, often in countries with no union to support them.  

The Committee helps artists who, if they were in the UK, would be eligible for Equity membership, but also organisations who support those working in the arts and entertainment industries in the most difficult circumstances. Their role is to help financially where they can, and to campaign publicly to bring attention to the plight of oppressed artists.  

Our Objectives  

The role of the International Solidarity Committee is to: 

  1. Advise the Council on international issues and campaigns, and foster Equity’s links with solidarity campaigns of which we are a part.
  2. Work with others, including government, Safety Curtain, the International Federation of Actors (FIA), and other bodies relevant to their area.
  3. Distribute money to international artists (outside of the UK) suffering oppression, persecution or hardship in the pursuit of their profession, and to undertake fundraising activity in support of this role.
  4. Serve as a channel of communication between the Council and artists in their area. 

Committee members

Ian Barritt
Ian Barritt
Maureen Beattie
Maureen Beattie
Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso
Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso
Chipo Chung
Chipo Chung
Dan de la Motte
Dan de la Motte
Ruth Lass
Ruth Lass
Baker Mukasa
Baker Mukasa
Ros Shelley
Ros Shelley
Fiona Whitelaw
Fiona Whitelaw