What to do if you’re experiencing sexual harassment - Initial steps

What to do if you’re experiencing sexual harassment - Initial steps

Navigating your options around sexual harassment 

There are several paths that could be followed in the event of you experiencing sexual harassment. These could be informal or formal and include:

•    Seeking support within the organisation concerned.
•    Speaking to someone you can trust within the workplace or organisation.
•    Seeking support externally.
•    Taking it up directly with the harasser.

Seeking support within the organisation concerned

This will involve either reporting the matter formally or informally or just talking to someone else within the organisation that you trust. Which option you choose will depend on what is available within the organisation, how you feel about it and the nature of the problem.

Speaking to someone you can trust within the workplace or organisation

This can involve talking to a designated person within the organisation or another person you can trust who is not necessarily going to do anything further.

External support options

Consulting your union in confidence could be your first port of call. If you are an Equity member then you can discuss the matter with the appropriate official or a deputy if there’s one on the cast. If you’re a member of a different union then you could approach them.

There are organisations with helplines for emotional support such as national or local Rape Crisis Centres or Breathing Space. 

It could be, because of the nature of the incident(s), that you need to contact the police.

Taking action yourself to challenge the behaviour

If you feel able, and it’s safe to do so, you could ask the harasser to stop or change their behaviour. This would normally be best actioned with assistance from a witness or ally.

Things to consider before deciding on the best option for you:

•    What support do I have around me?
•    Are there clear policies and procedures available to me that I can follow?
•    Do I have the energy or capacity to deal with making a complaint?
•    What else is happening in my life that might be impacted by this decision?
•    What additional support would I need to take action?
•    Am I putting my own wellbeing first?

More details on the various paths such as formal and informal reporting and confiding in others are shown below. 

Initial steps to take

Whether or not you’ve decided how you want to deal with the situation there are some practical measures you can take.

You should:

•    Keep a record.
•    Find out whether there are any company or organisation procedures you can consult and follow.
•    Where there aren’t procedures look into ACAS guidelines and what else you can put in place.
•    Confide in a trusted person.

Practical measures

Further advice and support

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