
Equity Videogames Recommended Rate Card

The following information details rates recommended by Equity in the absence of collectively bargained agreements. The rates are minimum fees and are upwardly negotiable between a performer (or their agent) and the engager. We encourage AAA, indie and low budget productions to contact Equity to discuss these rates and other contractual arrangements.


Voiceover Minimum £300 per hour.
Voiceover with Headcam/ Facial Reference Minimum £350 per hour.
Ensemble Record £800 half day/£1000 full day.
Atmospheric/Walla Minimum £200 per hour.
Usage Buyout

Up to 4 hours: minimum £600.

Beyond 4 hours: additional buyout - minimum 25% of session fee per hour.


Should be agreed on a project by project basis.

Minimum 75% of total aggregate earnings.

Likeness Subject to negotiation, dependent on size of game and role.
DLC Minimum fees as above. New buyout will apply if a year or more has passed since recording the original.
Sequel Considered as a new project, subject to increased fees for returning characters and new buyout.
Overtime Pro rata every 15 minutes.
Promotion Agreed hourly rate plus minimum £800 usage.
Vocally Stressful Sessions Max 2 hours per session.

Sessions should be scheduled at the end of the working day, preferably end of the week.


Motion Capture Minimum £600 per day
Performance Capture Minimum £850 per day
Usage Buyout Minimum 30% of accrued total aggregate earnings OR Standalone buyout dependent on distribution of project and size of role - no lower than 30% of accrued total aggregate earnings.
Integration Should be agreed on a project by project basis. Minimum 75% of total aggregate earnings.
Likeness Subject to negotiation, dependent on size of game and role.
Overtime £35 per every 15 minutes past normal wrap time.
Rehearsal 50% of agreed daily session fee (not included in usage buyout).


Travel and Accommodation

Travel, accommodation and per diems are negotiated dependent on both talent and studio location. 

When a performer is required to travel for more than 2 hours per recording or shooting day, accommodation, expenses and appropriate per diems should be covered by production.


Background on Equity's Rate Card

Questions on usage